8 Months

My nephew is 8 months old today!!!! I cannot believe how fast he is growing up! It feels like yesterday he was just born! I love him more than anything in this world, that little man has stolen my heart forever <3 In just 4 months he's gonna be a whole year old, craziness!!! I cannot wait to go back to Colorado for that! That's going to be such an amazing weekend with my family :D My little guy is growing up, & I miss him more & more everyday. Everytime I get a new update on him, or see a new picture or video with him, or talk to my family on the phone, I realize how much I am missing in his life, but it's ok cause I remember that I will be there for all the other important milestones in his life! I love him & miss him so much, but all I have to do is look at a picture of my little guy & he just brightens up my day :)




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