
9 years ago today....we'll truly never forget <3 I remember exactly where I was when I found out about this horrible tragedy. I was driving to Orlando from Tampa with my family cause we were in the process of moving. We were listening to the radio & people kept calling in about a plane that went into one of the Twin Towers & we all thought it was a hoax, but then the second plane hit & we knew our country would never be the same again. When we finally got to Orlando, instead of signing real estate papers, we found the nearest TV & just watched everything from that day. I remember I was in our real estate officer's office when the buildings went down. I will never forget the tears that were coming down on all our faces. My mom lost a really good friend that day. This day will always be hard.

"9/11 A day to remember. Let's all take a moment today to remember everyone we lost. God bless America and NYC. We will truly never forget." <3




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